OM ओम्
Category : Absolute Truth , OmTtSt
ओम् OM
Om, the supreme sound, those who have explored the inner world, have always found a unique sound, the sound of existence itself. Om represents the Shabda Brahman. The Brahman here refers to the Supreme Infinite Spirit or Supreme Person.
The eternal sound of Om is heard only when your mind is completely silent, when you have gone beyond all words, all languages, all thoughts, when there is nothing but pure silence, undiluted, not even a ripple. Suddenly you hear a music. There is no one producing it, no instrument playing it. It seems it is simply the sound of silence, the very heartbeat of existence.
Contemplating and Concentrating on ‘Self’ while merging your self in this sound will lead you up to the unknowing, unseen realm of life. If you wish to experience the divine world you have to enter this realm of eternal by immersing your identity in the divine cosmic sound ‘OM‘
As it is said by those who have heard it that –
“It says nothing, but it vibrates your being to such joy, to such celebration, to such dance that you have never dreamt of before.”
#OmTtSt ओम् तत् सत्